HOE-atus or Nah?

A part of me wants to explain myself and to why I have neglected my fantastic hoes who follow my escapades but…that takes too much work and I don’t wanna. So let’s just get into it.


These days I’m seriously thinking about chillin’ out on being a hoe…at least for the month of September just so I can get my shit together and structure a schedule…I get into a lot of shit when I’m not scheduled.


One thing that has really been bothering me is how it seems that people don’t realize that there is a hierarchy here in The Land of Hoe. Me (The Hoe) is always at the top (not on top hahaha). The wants and the needs of the Hoe are top priority. The Hoe makes the dick appointments. That’s how it should be. At least that’s I’ve always tried to run it. As the…Trick sounds like such a bad word…so Nutt Buddy, we’ll go with that; one should NEVER say things like “I love you” or question the hoe why they haven’t called them.


So like a few days ago, I’m chilling in my bed, watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch, biting my nails because I’m close to the episode where Harvey finally realizes that Sabrina is a witch and he’s not fucking with her. I have so many issues with that but that’s not for this unfortunately. I receive a text message at 3am and I’m like…I didn’t schedule a fuck sesh, so WTF? This guy tried to read me on he wish I knew how he GD feels and that one day I might get it and how bad of a friend I am. I’m looking at my number making sure that I’m not receiving anyone else’s text messages because CLEARLY, the cloud was fucking up, but it wasn’t so.


This is why it’s imperative for them marks to know their fucking places. My friends only know me “sexually” from what I tell them about what I do and what I like, but the people who actually fuck me…that’s the ONLY side you know…and the fact that I’m smart as fuck through riveting conversation. My real friends know that they can hit me up anytime and it’s best that they take to that because I’m not a person who talks to people everyday. Not that I’m not concerned or love them or anything…but they know that about me. The fact that he felt he could let me know that I must have been given the wrong impressions the entire two times we had sex…the second time I think I kept faking a muscle spasm in my foot.


Also. Possessiveness and jealousy are ugly ass traits. Dead-fucking-ass. Like, okay, I told y’all before that sex with me on average is like maybe a 6 because I be wanting sex but a lot of times I get lazy or sleepy…or hungry but you know how that goes and then sometimes the repetitive head knocks tends to make dream. So imagine my face when another guy I was fucking tells me he loves me and that my sex is so good. I’m like…bitch, where? I’ve literally not put in any effort since the first time we had sex..or maybe the second. I go over there quite often because the porn selection is a-fucking-one, but then he be wanting to kiss me in my mouth nshit and I’m like…I also figured out he has jealousy issues because anytime I want to have group sex he puts it off or acts like he don’t know no one. I don’t suggest group sex often because 1. It’s a lot of work and 2. I’m lazy, but for none of the times I’ve suggested this it can’t happen.

I think these two instances are the factors that are going to try to make me focus for the month of September if we’re being honest. Devote more of my time to writing, drawing and actually finishing shit that I actually start. Another thing that’s making me think long and hard about a Chase September, is that I’m so fucking tired of these lame ass dudes hitting me up on Grindr. I tell them specifically that not only am I a bitch, but that they should leave me alone and I hate most of them because of their body shaming, homophobic, racist, transphobic asshole ways and yet I get gems like these:



I hate sucking dick. I mean of course if I see a nice one yes ma’am, but as far as the act of solely doing it…get the fuck up out my faccceeeeee. I don’t wanna be down there for thirty minutes, I will not climax from you cumming from oral. It’s weird. I don’t like it. And bitches like these are the kinds of niggas who “hoe bath” their dick and balls so it smells like sweat and scented soap -___-

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